Terms and conditions

Your consent to the following terms and conditions is implied and implicit when you visit our website. We are free to change or modify these terms and conditions at any time and at our own discretion. You agree to accept these new terms and conditions by continuing to visit Kain Cosmeceuticals. In order to stay updated with the changes, please visit the Terms and Conditions section of our website periodically.

The term ‘Kain Cosmeceuticals’ will be used to refer to the website, its employees and its owners through the entire Terms and Conditions section.


By registering on Kain Cosmeceuticals, you assure us that all the information you’ve provided is accurate. In case you do not login to Kain Cosmeceuticals for 90 days, your registration may be cancelled.

Kain Cosmeceuticals reserves the right to limit your access to the website without any prior notice for any of the following reasons:

  • Unauthorized access of Kain Cosmeceuticals by you
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  • If you violate any other Terms and Conditions listed here

By registering, you also give your consent to receive periodic SMS alerts and newsletters.

You also give your consent for your personal information to be shared with a broker who might contact you for selling their products and services.


Kain Cosmeceuticals hereby grants you a license to access its website. This license is non-exclusive, non-assignable and non-transferable and is governed by the rules listed in this Terms and Conditions section.

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Everything published on this website is Kain Cosmeceuticals’ exclusive property and nothing mentioned in this section gives you (or any other entity) the right to claim ownership over it.

You cannot resell or republish this property in any way without prior permission from Kain Cosmeceuticals. Additionally, you cannot rent, copy, reproduce or publicly display this property unless you are authorized (in writing) by Kain Cosmeceuticals. You’re also not allowed to remove, obscure or alter any copyright or legal information without authorization. Any use of information published on this website may be charged and requires Kain Cosmeceuticals’s written consent.

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Kain Cosmeceuticals or any of its employees is not liable for any loss resulting due to interruption of its services. This may be caused due to reasons like equipment failure, telephone problems, weather problems, strike, acts of God, riots or any other such mishap. Kain Cosmeceuticals claims no responsibility to provide you its services or allow you access to its website if these mishaps happen.

5.Liability disclaimer

Your use of Kain Cosmeceuticals’s website is at your sole risk. The content available on Kain Cosmeceuticals may contain typographical errors or other inaccuracies and attempts will be made to correct them on a periodic basis. Kain Cosmeceuticals and its partners and suppliers are free to make any changes to this website at any time. The website may also be temporarily unavailable due to periodic maintenance or technological interruptions. Kain Cosmeceuticals (and its employees, advertisers and partners) will not be liable to anyone should it exercise its right to modify the terms and conditions of this website at any time. Kain Cosmeceuticals is also free to modify or discontinue any of its products and services.

Kain Cosmeceuticals does not give any guarantee about the information, contents or features published on the website. All of this is provided ‘as is’ and we hereby disclaim any warranties with regards to the content, services or features published on Kain Cosmeceuticals.

In no event, will Kain Cosmeceuticals be liable to pay for any damages caused by your use of its website, the information submitted by you or your inability to use the website.

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You agree that the information provided on Kain Cosmeceuticals is compiled from other sources. While every attempt is made to make sure that these sources are reliable, certain inaccuracies may occur. Also, human and mechanical errors may occur and Kain Cosmeceuticals is provided to you on a “as is, with all faults” basis.

Kain Cosmeceuticals does not guarantee that it will meet any of your requirements and you agree that you will employ all necessary checks to ensure the accuracy of the information provided. All the information that you consume on Kain Cosmeceuticals is at your own risk and the website, its employees or its owners are not responsible for any damages that may occur as a result of this information.

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Kain Cosmeceuticals may contain links to other websites which allow you to leave the website. Kain Cosmeceuticals does not control these websites and is not responsible for the content published on them. Inclusion of a link does not mean that Kain Cosmeceuticals endorses that website. The content published there is governed by a separate Terms and Conditions.


You shall indemnify and hold harmless all the employees, owners and partners of Kain Cosmeceuticals Journal and Magazine Pvt. Ltd. from any losses or claims incurred as a result of:

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These terms can be modified only by Kain Cosmeceuticals and it has to be done in writing.

11.Conflicting terms

In case there is a conflict between this Terms and Conditions document and any other document, this document will decide whether the conflicting document is valid or not. All documents need to be verified and signed by Kain Cosmeceuticals or its agent.

12.Attorney’s fees

If Kain Cosmeceuticals chooses to enforce any of the terms and conditions listed here, and is entitled to receive any dues, it will also recover from you attorney fees and the entire cost of litigation.


This Terms and Conditions document shall remain in effect unless terminated or cancelled for any of these reasons:


This Terms and Conditions document shall remain in effect unless terminated or cancelled for any of these reasons:

  • Unauthorized access or use of the website by you
  • If you assign or transfer any rights granted to you
  • If you violate any other terms and conditions listed in this document

Even when this user agreement is terminated, it will not affect Kain Cosmeceuticals’s right to claim any relief or any amount that it may be entitled to.


All the terms and conditions listed in this document are based on and subject to Indian law.

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