
Strengthening The Core
With Strong Values

Our People

We pride ourselves on being an equal opportunity employer, with more than 50% of the workforce being female. Our workforce comprises local skilled labour, thereby helping us honour our promise to not just build a sustainable organisation but a sustainable community.


We are a new-age organisation that has chosen to be sustainable by design. Our commitment to lean and green manufacturing is evident in our use of sustainable materials, energy-efficient processes and waste reduction measures.

We want to minimise our carbon footprint and help brands achieve their net-zero targets.

  • bullets IGBC Green Factory Building Platinum Certification aspirant
  • bullets LEED Gold Certification aspirant
  • bullets Zero effluent discharge facility

Our Practices

To deliver maximum value to our customers, we have designed a robust infrastructure and institutionalised a set of strong governance practices.

  • Production area with cleanroom partitions and individual AHUs to ensure manufacturing in a controlled environment
  • Enhanced data protection with controlled access to manufacturing areas and strong data security practices
  • Environment Management System (EMS) for real-time monitoring and control of cleanroom environment and AHUs, ensuring optimal conditions and product quality

Plan Your Business With Us

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