Privacy Policy

At Kain Cosmeceuticals Private Limited (KCPL), we are committed to protecting the privacy of our users. We have provided this privacy policy to reveal how we use the information collected from you through our website.

This privacy policy governs your use of our website and the information available on it. It explains how we may collect, use or share any information that you provide on our website. Kain Cosmeceuticals reserves the right to add, remove, modify or change any portion of this policy at any time based on our convenience. We recommend that you review this policy on a periodic basis in order to stay updated with the current privacy practices.

This privacy policy is in accordance with the Information Technology Act, 2000 and Information Technology Rules (Reasonable Security Practices and Procedures and Sensitive Personal Data or Information) 2011.

1.How we collect information

Kain Cosmeceuticals may collect the following types of information:

  • Personal information which includes name, e-mail ID, registration details, physical address or any other relevant detail. We may also collect demographic information such as gender, pin code or any other similar detail. Sensitive personal data such as passwords, bank account details, credit card or other payment details, etc. has been considered a part of personal information according to this policy.
  • Non-personal information, which does not identify you, and includes session and usage data, log data and aggregate information. We use this information to modify our website based on your interests, to measure traffic on our website, to improve the quality of our website and to understand the geographic locations from where our visitors come. This information may also be shared with our advertisers.
  • You hereby consent to allow us to install cookies or other similar data collection software on your system. We may use these tools to collect information and assign each user a unique User ID to understand their interests. Rest assured, unless you register, we won’t be able to decipher your identity through this User ID. Also, cookies are unable to read data on your hard drive. If you click on ads, our advertisers may install additional cookies on your system which is a process we cannot control.
  • You assure us that all the information provided by you is correct and you have the requisite permissions to provide such data. All the data shared by you and collected, used, transferred or processed by Kain Cosmeceuticals is not in violation of any third-party agreement or laws.

2.How we use information

You may need to provide Kain Cosmeceuticals with your personal information while registering on the website. This information may be used by Kain Cosmeceuticals for the following purposes:

  • Processing applications or orders
  • Testing our services to improve them and recommending various products including that of third parties
  • Dealing with customer complaints, requests or enquiries
  • Marketing the different products and services offered by Kain Cosmeceuticals
  • Responding to your queries and your requests for information about the website
  • Notifying you about any new offers or services offered by Kain Cosmeceuticals, informing you about any changes to our policies and other administrative information
  • Informing you about the latest updates on the website
  • Sending you marketing communication like surveys that you may be interested in
  • Conducting data analysis and reviewing our website
  • Using your preferences to give you advertisements tailored to your needs
  • In case you want to purchase any subscription or product on Kain Cosmeceuticals, we’ll use your information to process the order and provide customer service
  • Enhancing the quality of our website and the advertisements
  • Making sure that the integrity of Kain Cosmeceuticals is protected
  • Replying to judicial processes or law enforcement agencies in case a need arises

All the personal information that you provide to us will be kept confidential as much as possible. It will only be used to improve your relationship with Kain Cosmeceuticals, notify you about updates and other related functions. If the information provided by you is available in the public domain, it will not be considered as sensitive. Also, any comments published on the website is exempt from the realm of this privacy policy. Kain Cosmeceuticals will use the information provided by you to ascertain if you are entitled to access the website or use its services.

Furthermore, all the non-personal information collected through cookies stored on your system will be used to monitor and understand trends, to learn about user behaviour and gather demographic information about Kain Cosmeceuticals’s user base. Kain Cosmeceuticals may use this information to serve advertisers and analyze traffic patterns on the website. Since this information does not identify you, Kain Cosmeceuticals is free to use it and disclose it for any purpose.


  • Kain Cosmeceuticals does not sell personal information. It may however share this information with advertisers, affiliates, partners, vendors and contractors who provide various services on Kain Cosmeceuticals like website hosting, payment processing, contact information verification, infrastructure provision, etc. This is so that these services could be provided to you.
  • Kain Cosmeceuticals may also provide information to advertisers, partners and associates in order to promote products and services that may be of interest to you. You can choose to ‘opt out’ of these promotional communications.

It may also use this information for the following purposes:

  • To comply with local and foreign law
  • To respond to government and public authorities in India and abroad
  • To enforce Kain Cosmeceuticals’s terms and conditions
  • To protect Kain Cosmeceuticals’s rights and safety and that of its partners and affiliates
  • To limit any damages that Kain Cosmeceuticals may sustain

We may disclose certain information to third parties. For example:

  • Your name, e-mail and mobile number
  • Information that we collect when you use our website like your device information, your network provider and your location

We share this information so that we can analyze your behaviour and personalize our website and services for you.

Your consent to our terms and conditions and this privacy policy is implicit or implied by your use of our service.

Our website may display ads and track your usage using Google Analytics.

Information security and storage

  • To protect and safeguard your data, Kain Cosmeceuticals uses the security measures mandated under the Information Technology Act, 2000 as amended and read with Information Technology (Reasonable Security Practices and Procedures and Sensitive Personal Data or Information) Rules, 2011. Kain Cosmeceuticals uses measures to protect against unauthorized access and unlawful interception of your personal information. That said, you accept the risks associated with providing information online and will not hold Kain Cosmeceuticals responsible in case there’s any breach of security or disclosure of personal information.
  • Your data will primarily be stored in electronic form. However, some data could be stored in physical form too. Kain Cosmeceuticals is free to store, collect and use your data outside India by complying with applicable laws of that nation. Kain Cosmeceuticals may also enter into an agreement with a third party (within India or outside India) to store your data. These third parties will have their own security standards and Kain Cosmeceuticals will ask them to adopt requisite measures to safeguard your data.
  • Kain Cosmeceuticals will not be responsible if your data is lost by us as a result of a Force Majeure event. This includes fire, flood, explosion, acts of God, war, computer hacking, etc

Third party websites, applications and services

Our website may contain links to other websites which have a privacy policy different from ours. Once you leave Kain Cosmeceuticals, any information that you share over there is beyond our control. This information is governed by the privacy policy of that website. If you can’t find it through a link, you should contact the website administrator for more details.

Access, correction and deletion

Kain Cosmeceuticals is able to provide you with any information that it stores about you. You can request to access this information and it’ll be made available after proper verification. Please note that correction or deletion of information may cancel your registration on the website. Also, certain information may not be corrected or deleted under any applicable law, law enforcement requests or judicial proceedings.

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